
DYS-centrum® Prague is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (No. 11260/2017-1). You will receive a certificate of participation after all our courses.

We offer a wide range of seminars, courses and webinars. We run courses at the DYS-centrum, but you can also book them for your team and our lecturers will come to you.

illustration school

Courses offer

Hraj co chceš - rozvoj asociačního myšlení a paměti

1 100 Kč
4 June 2024

Free places

Playful exercises for corks - psychomotor development of children

Playful exercises for plugs is a comprehensive set of movement games that helps the psychomotor development of children.

2 000 Kč

HYPO - Prevence SPUCH v předškolním a raném školním věku

1 000 Kč

Inspirational seminar for graduates of LPAD courses

The seminar is intended for those who have started to actively use LPAD (or dynamic examination) in their practice and want to share their experience.

1 000 Kč
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Your chosen location

Já na to mám! Program rozvoje učebních strategií pro studenty SŠ s dyslexií

Jak (pře)žít s ADHD

1 100 Kč
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Your chosen location

Jak efektivně pracovat v hodinách ČJ se žáky 2. st. a studenty SŠ se SPUCH

JAK pomáhat dětem se SPUCH (specifické poruchy učení a chování) v družině

1 000 Kč