DYS-centrum® Prague z.ú.
We support children, adolescents and adults with specific learning difficulties (SLD) or behavioural difficulties.
With clients
DYS-centrum's target group involves children, adolescents and adults with learning difficulties.
We offer:
- assessment and long-term therapy
- counselling for clients of all ages and their family members
- counselling for teachers
- support and intervention programmes for children and adolescents
- support of children's and adolescents' pre-reading and reading skills
With experts
We offer a wide range of courses, seminars and workshops, mostly related to specific learning or behavioural difficulties.
- We cooperate with experts such as psychologists, special educators and other skilled teachers, neurologists, psychiatrists or paediatricians experienced with children with specific learning or behavioural difficulties.
- We organise training courses on various topics related to specific learning or behavioural difficulties.
- We are accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (No. 11260/2017-1).
Soonest courses
New article
Přehledy učiva máme moc rádi a často je našim klientům doporučujeme – ať jde o gramatické jevy, číselné řady, násobilku, vzorečky nebo cizí jazyky. Snadno a rychle v nich najdeme nejdůležitější informace, když si je nedokážeme sami vybavit a použít při učení a řešení školních úkolů. Samy o sobě ovšem přehledy nejsou všespásné, proto také s našimi klienty pravidelně trénujeme, jak je efektivně využívat. To stejné se hodí i ve školách či jiných poradenských zařízeních.
6 September 2024