
We keep an eye on what's new in our field and at DYS-centrum.


Cooperation with 180DC organisation

We worked with a very creative and passionate group of university students from DC180 who helped us build a literacy centre in Cimburkova Primary School. We thank them very much for this work.

17 January 2022

Grunnlaget Course - Conceptual Learning Model

A comprehensive intervention programme for the development of conceptual thinking, created by a Norwegian educator Magne Nyborg and systematically developed by psychologists Gunvor Sonnesyn and Morten Hem. It helps to build vocabulary, to think about concepts, and shows educators and counsellors how to internalize concepts with children. Suitable for preschoolers and older students with cognitive deficits. Course participants will learn about all the principles and tools used in the Grunnnlatet program and its use with their clients and pupils. The principles of conceptual mediation are also excellently applied when working with older pupils to master complex curriculum.

1 January 1970

MABEL course - training for the test battery for assessing the prerequisites for reading and writing development

Educational programme introduces the Czech version of the MABEL test battery

1 January 1970