We keep an eye on what's new in our field and at DYS-centrum.

What annoys us when working with our clients
We sometimes need a relief after the work with our clients - especially when we feel how misunderstood and discriminated they often are at school. We often face the same moments with the clients again and again, but that doesn't change the fact that they always make us angry.
17 April 2023
8 steps to teach students how to plan
One of the important skills we practice with our clients is planning. It is an executive function, which includes a set of of sub-cognitive functions that help us to successfully solve tasks. It is a skill that helps us to successfully solve tasks we have been given; it enables us to conclude various tasks in everyday life.
18 January 2023
What are supervisors in education like?
Read our interviews published in the DYS-centrum Newsletter. This time with Pavel Dosoudil o supervisions in the education field. If you are interested in receiving the full Newsletter, please feel free to subscribe - see the "Newsletter" footer.
6 December 2022