OPPA project
Counselling for pupils with specific learning disabilities in junior high schools.
Brief content of the project
The project aimed at junior high school students who had specific learning difficulties (i.e., dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, dyscalculia; also referred to as SLD) and their teachers. These were target groups that received little attention.
After the transition to junior high schools, students often lost the opportunity for continuous and intensive support in the educational process, which is a prerequisite of their school success. Teachers at junior high schools, especially those teaching subjects other than Czech language, are not sufficiently experienced in the field of specific learning difficulties and are not well-informed about teaching practices suitable for these pupils. This leads to a deterioration in school results, a risk of school failure and reduced chances of transfer to a quality senior secondary school despite the learning potential of students with SLD.
The project aimed to fulfil three key activities that were closely interlinked and formed a comprehensive system of support for pupils with specific learning difficulties in junior high school. The first activity focused on assessment, counselling and interventions with students with SLD, which were implemented directly in their schools. The second activity involved development of methodological materials for subject teachers at junior high schools. Finally, the third key activity was devoted to the training of junior high school teachers. Considering the training of teachers and the creation of methodological materials, the long-term impact of the project on the teaching of junior high school pupils with SLD 2 was expected.