Additional support and Mediated learning in Inclusive education (ASUMIE)
The European project ASuMIE - https://asumie.eu/, funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme, aims to share knowledge on additional support in inclusive education. Successful inclusive education depends on the transfer of knowledge and skills and on collaboration between teachers, parents and support staff. The project focuses on strengthening the role and skills of those who support pupils with special needs, class teacher and/or school teams. The duration of the project is from September 2020 to August 2023.
Inclusive education support systems vary widely across Europe. There are internal school support staff and external support staff. They vary in their level of training, their area of training (teacher, remedial professionals - speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists), and some do not even have an appropriate training at all. It is not clear what works best and whether there is common ground or what methods work efficiently.
The aim of the project is to describe the state of art in all partner countries and to create and develop common strategies that support workers can use to cooperate with teachers and children experiencing barriers to learning.
The project wants to explore the context for further support and share information on:
- the use of good practice in teaching
- good understanding of cognitive competences development for learning and behavioural problem solving
- interdisciplinary teamwork
- competences and training for inclusive education
- best practice in support
In order to gather information and ideas, surveys were carried out to identify needs, gaps and strengths in the organisation of additional support in education and in the training of support staff. The results of the survey have been shared through conferences and workshops in each partner country.
Based on the reports and information from the surveys, further study materials were developed to improve good understanding and organisation of additional support in inclusive education:
- curriculum and learning materials (handbook, case studies and videos).
- a learning platform
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
- a pilot course with face-to-face participation (Summer school in Norway)
All materials were tested during the project and will be accessible to inclusive education practitioners across Europe.
ASUMIE partners
The consortium of partners consists of 3 higher education institutions and 5 counselling centres from BE, BG, CZ, IT, NO, SLO and P.
The project is funded until the end of August 2023 by the Erasmus+ KA2- Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Best Practices programme.