Using digital technology to support reading fluency - we continue our successful A is for App project. Our aim is to finalize the Karaton app to support reading skills.
Project partners:
- Dublin City University (Ireland) - lead project coordinator
- Katholieke Unversiteit Leuven (Belgium)
- Regionaal Instituut voor Dyslexie BV (Netherlands)
- Happs Dvelopment (Belgium)
- DYS-centrum Praha, z. ú.
Objectives of the project:
- Create "CoPs" (community of practice) that will support the effective and sustainable use of digital applications to support reading skills of pupils with reading difficulties.
- Find out how the community of practice can support this process.
- Survey how the community of practice can improve reading performance and support the overall development of reading activities at schools.
- Transfer the experience of the community of practice into recommendations on how to incorporate the use of digital apps into reading instructions when working with struggling readers.
Duration of the project
- 12 September 2022 - 11 September 2025